Daniel Watts

Daniel Watts is a geospatial technology professional from Queens, New York. He has worked with geospatial technology in the historic preservation and urban planning fields since 2014 with a focus on 3D data and web cartography and has previously led GIS programs at the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. In addition, he has also worked as a GIS consultant with a wide array of partners, including the National Park Service and Tulane University. Dan holds master’s degrees in urban planning and historic preservation from the University of Virginia and Clemson University.


  • Master of Urban and Environmental Planning, University of Virginia 2014
  • MS in Historic Preservation, Clemson University 2013
  • BA in Urban Policy and Planning, Virginia Tech 2004


Watts, D. and Wen J. (2023) “ArcGIS Empowering New York City” at the Esri Mid-Atlantic User Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Lubov McKone


  • M.S. Library and Information Science, Pratt Institute, 2023
  • Digital Humanities Certificate, Pratt Institute, 2023
  • B.A. Mathematics and Statistics, Boston University, 2018

Selected Presentations

Emily McGinn

Emily McGinn is a specialist in Digital Humanities with a wide breadth of experience from large grant funded projects, to scoping DH assignments for the classroom.  Her work centers on making the barrier to entry for DH as accessible as possible and opening the door to creative research questions that use DH methods to analyze and explore humanities objects of study.


  • Ph.D. Comparative Literature, University of Oregon, 2014
  • New Media and Culture Certificate, University of Oregon, 2014
  • M.A. English, Clark University, 2007
  • B.A. English, Clark University, 2003

Professional Experience

  • 2021-2023: Humanities Computing Curriculum Specialist, Princeton University
  • 2019-2021: Head of Digital Humanities, University of Georgia
  • 2016-2019: Digital Humanities Coordinator, University of Georgia
  • 2014-2015: CLIR Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Humanities, Lafayette College

Betsy Gunia


  • Terminal degree (MLS, PhD)
    • M.S. in Library and Information Science (data curation concentration), University of Illinois 2010
    • M.S. in natural resources and environmental sciences, University of Nevada, 2005
  • Other degrees
    • B.S. Zoology and Biological Aspects of Conservation, University of Wisconsin, 2000

Selected Presentations

Selected Publications 

Fearon, David Jr., Betsy Gunia, Sherry Lake, Barbara E. Pralle, and Andrew L. Sallans. Research Data Management Services. SPEC Kit 334. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, July 2013.

David Fearon


  • Terminal degree (MLS, PhD)
    MLIS, University of California, Los Angeles, 2009
    PhD in Sociology, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, 2005
  • Other degrees
    BA in Sociology & Human Development, Colby College, 1989

Selected Presentations


  • Fearon, D. (2017) “Expanding Data Management Service Boundaries at Johns Hopkins University,” at the 9th Annual University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian e-Science Symposium, Worcester MA.
  • Fearon, D. (2013) “Two tools for supporting research data management plans: one for the grant proposal writer and another for the proposal’s reviewer” at the International Digital Curation Conference, Amsterdam.


  • Fearon, D. (2017) “Data as intellectual property” at the Research Data Access & Preservation Summit. Seattle, WA.

Invited lectures

  • Fearon, D. and Darragh, J. (2015) “Training for de-identifying human subjects data for sharing: a viable library service” at the International Association for Social Science, Information Science and Technology Meeting in Minneapolis
  • Fearon, David (2015) Origin and Development of Johns Hopkins Data Management Services at the 7th Annual University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian e-Science Symposium, Worcester MA.

Selected Publications


  • Fearon, D.S., Gunia, B., Lake, S., Pralle, B. E. & Sallans, A. L. SPEC Kit 334: Research Data Management Services. Association of Research Libraries. 2013. https://publications.arl.org/Research-Data-Management-Services-SPEC-Kit-334/Chapters


  • Fearon, D., Boehm, R. “Addressing the Gaps in Data Archiving for Large-Scale Computing Research at the Academic Research Institution.” Research Data Management Implementations Workshop. 2017. https://rdmi.uchicago.edu/papers/08252017121920_paperFearon082517.pdf.

Professional memberships/activities

  • 2014-2016 Special Librarians Association (SLA)
  • 2013, 2015 International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST)

Bonnie Wittstadt


Master of Science in Geographic Information Systems, Johns Hopkins University, 2016
Master of Science in Library & Information Science, Drexel University, 2014
Bachelor of Arts in Business Management, Johns Hopkins University, 2005

Courses teaching/taught

Applied GIS in Public Health

Professional memberships/activities

GIS Certification Institute, GISP
Women in GIS

Chen Chiu


  • Terminal degree (MLS, PhD) PhD in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science

Selected Publications 


  • Moss, C. F., Chiu, C. and Moore, P. 2014. Chapter 8: Analysis of natural scenes by echolocation in bats and dolphins. In Biosonar: Springer Handbook of Auditory Research. Edited by Fay, R. R. and Popper, A. N. pp304.


  • Lee, W-J., Falk, B., Chiu, C., Krishnan, A., Arbour, J. H. and Moss, C. F. 2017. Tongue-driven sonar beam steering by a lingual-echolocating fruit bat. PLoS Biology, 15(12):e2003148. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2003148.
  • Wright, G. S., Chiu, C., Xian, W., Wilkinson, G. S. and Moss, C. F. 2014. Social calls predict foraging success in big brown bats. Current Biology, 24: 885-889.
  • Sterbing-D’Angelo, S., Chadha, M., Chiu, C., Falk, B., Xian, W., Barcelo, J., Zook, J. M. and Moss, C. F. 2011. Bat wing sensors support flight control. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108: 11291-11296.